BBC News Case Study

BBC is a more traditional news broadcast in the sense that it fifers a very formal mode of address. Watch this sequence from BBC news and try and identity how it uses typical conventions, but also how it offers a very formal mode of address.
More formal mode of address is used. The Soundtrack is more serious and accompanies real footage
used. Presenters sitting down and deemed to be more serious. Use of 2 shot / medium close ups which
are typical of TV news. The presenters wear formal clothing and have serious facial expressions. They
get straight to the point and make use of real footage. There is live report from the MS Balmoral on
Atlantic ocean and a reporter at the scene. There is a business – like mode of address. The Mode of
address: Direct address – newsreaders speak directly to audience. TheNewsreader is otherwise known
as an ‘anchor’. News readers have a great deal of power. They use Personal pronouns: ‘We’ll see you
tomorrow’. The extract uses straight angle medium shots, close up shots, 2/3 shots – central framing of
presenters. The Visual footage is used to illustrate story. Sound: Use of voice-over, signature tune,
music. The Editing: Who / what has been selected / what has been left out? The sequences uses
Mise-en-scene: a desk, table and chairs or sofa, laptops / tablets used, Smart codes of dress. News
footage: Real footage. Now watch this BBC news interview discussing the HS2 project. What other
conventions do you think this contains?
Other typical conventions include: Graphics, News footage is seen on a news wall: This was first
introduced by Sky News, Guests / experts in the studio or in other locations, Outside broadcasters
/reporters, Captions, Large studio (Apparently)Key Point: Newsreaders have a huge amount of
power as it is they that directly address the audience. Interviewees do not get this privilege.

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