Teenagers & TV news

It has been suggested by Christian guru-Murthy that teenagers are not interested in conventional TV news broadcasts. He explains that there are a number of reasons for this:
‘difficult to cater for all teenagers’
‘there is no such thing as a typical teen’
‘teenagers often get talked down to in TV news’
‘most TV news viewers are over the age of 55’

‘teenagers get their news from other sources’
‘TV news, particularly channel 4 tends to have long discussions which doesn’t appeal to a teenage audience
‘to combat the lack of teenagers watching channel 4 news, Channel 4 broadcast Hollyoaks before the news in the hope that they might attract their audience’
‘Facebook is the best way to spread the word’
‘teenagers are unable to relate to the presenters owing to their age, appearance, etc.’
It is essential that you are aware of these quotes and refer to them, where possible, in the exam. 

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