Misrepresentation in TV News

Representation looks at the way in which people, places, ideas, objects are represented in media texts.
Bias and impartiality are two very important considerations when it comes to TV news. Institutions
have a responsibility to provide news reports and broadcasts that are free from bias and provide an
impartial account of an event or newsworthy situation. This is one of the key criteria that is decided by
OFCOM who are responsible for regulating media institutions such as the BBC & ITV.

Misrepresentation is an important consideration for TV news. This refers to the use of false
statements which often give a misleading account of an event or situation. How can this be
applied to the Fox news clip featuring terrorist ‘expert’ Steven Emerson when discussing the Charlie
Hebdo killings?

Mr Emerson describes himself as an ‘internationally recognised expert on terrorism’. He describes:
‘In Britain, it’s no-go zones, there are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim, where non
Muslims just simply don’t go in’
‘Parts of London, there are actually Muslim religious Police that actually beat and wound anyone who
doesn’t dress according to Muslim religious attire’. This is classed as a misrepresentation as this
information is clearly not correct! It makes a mockery of someone that is supposed to be an 'expert'!
Another example of a misrepresentation in TV news is the reporting by the BBC of the collapse of
World Trader Centre 7 on September 11th. Watch this clip below to see why:

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